Why You Should Go Hair Free
Just like women, men have also come a long way in their grooming approaches and skincare trends. From beating the conspiracies of not needing much grooming or hygienic skincare to actually inventing male-centric grooming products and skincare routine/facials – there's so much that men now do to practice effective grooming. Speaking of which, there's so much to talk about when it comes to the evolution of men's grooming, how time and trends have changed for men in their hair-trimmer needs, and why it is more prominently known as an essential practice for men.
Now, now – grooming has always been essential. It's not like the modern age brought unhygienic lifestyles or different issues that made grooming a necessity for men today. After all, looking after your body, grooming it, ensuring its cleanliness and tidiness is more like a crucial habit that every individual should adopt as they grow younger and older – despite your gender or the era you're living in.
Having that said, women have certainly taken the spotlight for grooming and skincare essentials, habits, lifestyles, and products. But that doesn't mean they're gonna get away with it – right guys? After all, even men can take some healthy and reliable grooming tips and how going hair-free can be healthy. So without further ado, let's just explore the must's about men's grooming and beard trimming concepts.
The History of Men's Grooming:
When we talk about male grooming lifestyles and trends, it may seem like a relatively new or unpopular topic on the internet. Surprisingly, male grooming has never been a hot topic to discuss until the modern age hit the world. Now, it's hard to determine in such a situation whether men of the older eras practiced the same hair trimming and/or grooming routines or not? Or was there even any grooming practice followed in the historical times?
Well, we can't call out ancestors unhygienic or unaware of the grooming demands of their bodies. Of course, since the world has been developed, intelligent men have practiced different lifestyle habits and improvised them with efficiency and time. Having that said, there's no doubt that men's connection with grooming goes back in time to somewhere around the 10,000BC. So how was it in the earlier times? Despite the consistent changes in grooming products that were created and used by men from time to time, what remained the same were some skin and overall protection products that promoted better grooming and appearance for the men in all decades. It included:
- Usage of products like kohl to give an appealing touch to men's eyes while protecting them from the sun's glares. This kohl was made in a longer and old-school method, i.e., focused on the burning of almonds.
- Usage of fragrances and relevant products to give an appealing sense of smell to the overall personality and appearance of men at an early age. Yet, just like kohl, even the fragrances at that time were manufactured differently and had a less lasting effect with the lack of chemicals present in them.
- The practice of private and communal baths to encourage overall body's cleanliness for men
- Usage of warm water, steam, and oil-based dilute to get rid of the impurities beneath the skin.
- Usage of herbs for teeth whitening
- Bath in wines
- Usage of rosemary water for beautifying hair
- Hair dye experiments
While these were some types of grooming habits that men incorporated in different eras and different religious communities, the growing technological era introduced men to more skincare, anti-aging, and beautifying products for men overall. Having that said, the history of grooming and personal hygiene for men goes a long way. Yet, new trends and modern understanding of men's grooming have taken over all those old-school methods today.
Male Grooming Trends – What's Good for What Use?
Since we've dived deep into the history of male grooming habits, rituals, and how they evolved from time to time, it's time to speak about the modern era. But do you often wonder what common grooming habits or trends men follow in today's modern age? Are you concerned about whether you're doing less or too much when it comes to your personal hygiene and grooming? Now, the safest way to understand that is by exploring the modern-day grooming trends and products that men commonly follow nowadays. This includes:
- Beard Grooming: It includes rinsing or trimming the beard in the right way or length. Many types of beard growing and nourishing oils are also highly impactful in promoting healthy beard growth and hygiene through effective beard washes.
- Facial Hair Grooming: Usage of advanced and convenient products like razors or trimming machines that help in removing facial hair and ensuring the health and hygienic maintenance of men's private parts.
- Skincare: tons of skincare products like face washes, sunscreen, masks, and even facials practiced in men's salons are highly reliable and a trending grooming option for men today.
- Effective shaving: other than maintaining hair growth for beards and head hair, there are different styles that men like to carry—for instance, having a clean, shaved look. For this look, referring shave creams and aftershave balms also promote healthier skin and effective grooming overall after the hair removal process.
Men's Grooming Stats:
So do you often think about how many men practice grooming habits? From saving beards to growing the head hair, there are different styles and overall looks that men like to carry nowadays in the name of modern fashion. However, while this style and sense of modernism may vary from person to person, what is more common is the consistency of hair removal from different body parts for men. Specifically, hair removal from private parts is more common and religiously practiced among men, and why not? It's crucial to promote personal hygiene and ensure that you are well keeping and maintaining yourself, right?
Speaking of this, I'm sure that learning about the stats on how many people prefer hair removal of their body consistently may be a question that has made you curious from time to time. And why not? With this topic being quite personal and secretive among many communities, it's hard to evaluate what is more common and whether you're maintaining yourself the right way too.
Having that said, if you're one to opt for frequent products for grooming and personal hygiene for men, then you're not the only one here. In fact, as per the male grooming market comprising of stats on how many males buy grooming products, the CAGR of men that prefer grooming habits was expected to reach globally 60.7 billion by 2020. Now that's great evidence on how many men practice grooming habits and how common is healthy rooming lifestyle is nowadays. Besides, who would find the men that ignore healthy grooming routines any attractive? Not to mention the growing health concerns that can be caused by the lack of effective grooming, especially in terms of hair removal.
Speaking of the facial and overall body hair removal that promotes personal hygiene for men, a 2018 study proves that around 46% of men globally remove their body hairs—this rate increased from 36% in comparison to the year 2016.
Benefits of Healthy Grooming for Men:
So is men's grooming a popular and highly anticipated topic that is good for nothing, or are there certain benefits that come along? Now obviously, when we hear the word grooming, it fails to create any sense of negativity or uselessness. So it's not like you're wasting time on it. However, what makes men's grooming crucial? Here are a few positive aspects that come along with consistent grooming habits and beard trimming for men:
- Added Confidence: When you look better, you feel better, stronger, and more acceptable as a stand-out addition in any community. IF that isn't the source of endless confidence, what is?
- Hygiene: no amount of reasons can flex enough on how much personal hygiene is crucial for living a healthy life, individually and as a part of any group or society. Having said that, consistent and healthy men's grooming is undoubtedly a powerful source of added hygiene – which is something every man needs.
- Attractiveness: Oh yes, the looks and the groomed-up personality is always the first and only one to grab everyone's attention. In fact, it won't be wrong to say that better-groomed men are more attractive looking and appealing as compared to better looking but non-groomed men. There, I said it!
Methods to Groom
To conclude this topic on healthy grooming for men, lets' talk about the effective methods of healthy grooming. This includes effective and reliable options like:
- Facial
- Waxing
- Clippers
- Shaving
- Using smart devices, i.e., The Fuzz Gun 2.0 by Dude Pruner.
Now with the Fuzz Gun 2.0. you can easily and effectively get rid of all the hair from the roots of your skin. You know what that means, right? A hair-free, smoothest, and well-kept skin and personal hygiene! Yay!